
Sunday, November 17, 2019

13 Hot Water Benefits

13 Hot Water Benefits in 

Hot Water Benefits

It is impossible to imagine life without water. This is why water is called life. The largest part of the human body is water. It is advisable to drink about three liters of water daily to keep the body healthy. At the same time, some people insist on drinking hot water. Of course, the taste of hot water is slightly different, but some people start by drinking hot water. Is it really beneficial to include hot water in the routine? Let's know.
It would not be wrong to say that hot water is a treasure of qualities. Warm water helps in expelling the body's toxic elements. Apart from this, there are many benefits of drinking hot water, which you may be unaware of. Let us now know in detail the benefits of hot water for our body.

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1. Helpful in losing weight

Hot Water Benefits
Hot Water Benefits

You must have heard about the benefits of water, but do you know that drinking water can also reduce your weight. According to a research, consuming hot water increases the percentage of metabolism, which helps in the process of losing weight (1). You can also lose weight by drinking lemon mixed with warm water (2).

2. Aids in digestion and constipation

Hot water intake can also help in the digestive process. Warm water helps digest the food present in the stomach and keeps the digestive system healthy. Actually, drinking hot water or lukewarm water does not produce much energy for the body to digest food, due to which the food is digested quickly (2). At the same time, hot water also gives relief in constipation. Consumption of warm water eases bowel movements, which can relieve constipation problems (3).

3. Nasal congestion

Hot Water Benefit
Hot Water Benefit

Drinking hot drinks has also been considered helpful in solving the problem of nasal congestion. Drinking hot water brings relief during problems like running nose and sneezing (4). Often, mucus accumulates in the nasal pass during nasal congestion, causing difficulty in breathing. Hot beverages are also effective in getting rid of this problem. Also can protect us from infections in the respiratory system (5).
There are benefits of drinking hot water, as well as taking a bath and taking its steam is also beneficial for our body. Actually, during a problem like nasal congestion, bathing with hot water and taking its steam opens the closed nose (6).
4. Blood circulation
You can also use warm water to increase blood flow. Hot water eliminates the fat stored in the body and in the nervous system. This removes the toxins present in your body and increases blood circulation (2). Also, you can warm your body for a while by squeezing the cloth immersed in warm water and then after a while with cold water. Repeating this process will also increase your blood flow (7).

5. In menstruation

There is no doubt that the benefits of drinking hot water are many. Consuming hot water during menstruation can provide relief from pain occurring at this time (8). Apart from this, if you take a bath with hot water or compress with hot water, then you can get relief from pain (9).

6. Reduce appetite

Hot Water Benefit
Hot Water Benefit

The benefits of drinking hot water can also be counted as decreasing appetite. Here we make it clear that solid scientific evidence is not available in this regard, but many scientific research has been done on normal water. In these studies it has been confirmed that if water is consumed before eating, then there is less appetite. Consuming something can reduce your desire to eat something. Also, there is still more research to be done on whether this method of water can be used for a long time to lose weight (10).

7. Boost Immunity

The benefits of hot water are many. It is also considered helpful in increasing immunity. Actually, the habit of bathing with hot water has been considered helpful in increasing immunity (11).

8. Aids in removing toxins

The benefits of drinking water are of course many. Water helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your body's cells. It also removes toxins from the organs (12)(2). At the same time, drinking salt mixed with warm water in the morning helps to flush out the toxins present in the body (13).

9. Under stress

Hot Water Benefits
Hot Water Benefits

Drinking hot water is claimed to relieve stress. It is believed that the use of hot water can relieve stress due to work, travel and other reasons (2). Here we make it clear that at present there is no scientific evidence related to this. In addition, normal water intake can also help reduce your stress levels (14). At the same time, according to a research, stress levels have been found to be very low in people who have a habit of bathing with hot water. Actually, bathing with hot water gives you psychological benefits, due to which sleep also becomes good and stress is also reduced (11).

10. Achalasia

Hot water is also beneficial for Achalasia. Actually, the body has a tube carrying food from the mouth to the stomach, which is called esophagus. When there is a problem, it is called Achalasia in medical language (15). In the condition of achalasia, patients feel indigestion, chest pain, and twitching, but people who suffer from this problem with the use of warm foods (including hot water) may feel relieved (16).

11. Help relieve pain

As we have talked about earlier in this article, hot water provides relief in pain during menstruation. Similarly, drinking hot water can reduce the pain in the chest (17). Also, consuming warm water before colonoscopy (examination of the intestine) reduces process-related pain (18). In addition, hot water compaction can reduce the pain caused by the sting of blue bottle jellyfish (19). Also, the pain of hot water can reduce waist pain to a great extent (20).

12. Skin Health

Hot Water Benefits
Hot Water Benefits
To keep the skin healthy, it is recommended to drink warm water every morning. Hot water should be consumed to maintain the health of the skin's pores. Getting hot drink removes the body's toxins, which helps reduce the problem of acne. Hot water also improves your digestion, which is directly related to your face. If the process of digestion in your body is going well, then your face will be glowing (2).

At the same time, with warm (lukewarm) water, you can wash the face before sleeping and after waking up in the morning, so that the dirt present in your facial skin will be clean and your skin will be healthy. Apart from this, you can take care of its health by taking a bath with warm water and cleaning the dirt all over the body (21). The thing to note here is that the water is not too hot or else your skin may lose moisture and the skin will become dry.

13. Hair Health

Hot water can also be used to maintain hair health, but do not wash your hair with hot water, otherwise it will become dry. Actually, you will also have to drink warm water daily to make the hair soft and soft. Warm water energizes the hair roots and activates it, which also helps in hair growth. These make your hair healthy as well as helpful in returning the natural form of hair (2).

Also, the comb should be washed daily with hot water, this removes all bacteria present in the comb (22). You can also give hot water steam to the hair. This opens your cuticle (transparent outer layer of hair) and keeps hair hydrated (23).

After knowing the benefits of drinking hot water, let's talk about what is better in hot water and cold water.

Hot water or cold water - which drink is better?

We have already talked about the benefits of hot water, on the basis of which it can be said that drinking hot water is more beneficial for our body. Actually, cold water shrinks the blood vessels in the stomach. Therefore, it is advisable to drink warm water. Here by cold water we mean ice water or water kept in the fridge. In addition, after drinking cold water our body has to generate more energy to bring it to body temperature.

At the same time, research shows that when cold water enters our body, it stores the fat that has arrived in the body along with foods. Due to this, the digestive process is interrupted. Consumption of cold water can also cause you a sore throat. Despite such side effects, in some cases there are some benefits of drinking cold water. Cold water is used to quench thirst, but drinking cold drinks while eating food can also prove harmful to the body (24).

Keep reading this article to know the disadvantages of hot water.

Are there any side effects of drinking hot water?
First of all, it needs to be understood that when we are talking about hot water, it does not mean that you try to drink boiling water. By hot water we mean lukewarm water or so hot water that you can drink it comfortably.

Hot water can burn your tongue.
If you drink too much hot water, it can damage your esophagus (25).
Drinking warm water can also damage your respiratory tract (26).
The benefits of incorporating hot water into the routine are many. The solution to all your problems is hidden in hot water. One needs to be careful while drinking it, otherwise the body may have to suffer the loss of too much hot water. We hope you are always healthy with hot water sips. If you have any question related to this article, then you can write in the comment box below.
If you have gained some benefit from drinking hot water, then definitely share your experiences with us.


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