
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact
75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

Bitter gourd said that many noses are twisted, Mouth is crooked and does not go to him. But many people don't know that what they don't like on the tongue, they like in the stomach. It is a gift from nature. Today we are going to study this. So let's get started.

Bitter gourd is green, white, dark green in color and red, orange inside when ripe. There are two types of Bitter gourd, large and small, while white and green Bitter gourd are also found due to color differences.

75 Medicinal bitter gourd - heltechfact properties:

According to Ayurveda, Bitter gourd is biliary, aerating, anthelmintic and diuretic. Bitter gourd leaves are also antipyretic, anthelmintic and diuretic. Bitter gourd is rich in Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Vitamin A and C, and Vitamin B in small quantities. Due to all these medicinal properties, Bitter gourd is used as a medicine along with food as it is tonic, fortifying and nutritious.

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact:-

1. Bitter gourd is rich in phosphorus. It relieves cough, constipation and digestive problems. Consumption of Bitter gourd helps in digestion of food. Also the appetite starts to feel free.

2. Eating Bitter gourd leaves daily for high blood pressure peoples helps to keep blood pressure normal, it contains potassium and calcium. Therefore, blood pressure can be reduced by increasing the amount of both these factors. These minerals increase the level of sodium which causes high blood pressure and prevents kidney damage.

3. If there is toxin in the blood, most viruses spread the disease in our body. Therefore, it is natural for headaches, fatigue and allergies to occur. Drinking the juice of Bitter gourd leaves cleanses the blood. Drinking Bitter gourd leaf juice not only keeps the body healthy but also eliminates the problem of pimples and blemishes on the skin.

4. Although it is true that the use of Bitter gourd leaves in diabetes is beneficial in controlling diabetes, this juice should not be taken with diabetic pills, as it can lower blood sugar too much.

5. Allergies - may be allergic to Bitter gourd leaf juice. Therefore, care should be taken while consuming this juice.

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact
75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

6. Caramel is very beneficial in case of asthma. In this disease, it is beneficial to eat Bitter gourd vegetables without using any of these spices.

7. If you have respiratory problems like asthma, cold, cough, then if you take Bitter gourd juice and basil leaf juice mixed with honey and take it for a month, these disorders will be cured by boosting the immune system.

8. In case of flatulence and indigestion, it is better to take Bitter gourd juice so that the disease stays away from you.


9. Drinking Bitter gourd juice not only strengthens your liver, but also cures all liver problems. Taking it on a daily basis gives good results in a week. It is also beneficial in jaundice.


10. Boiling Bitter gourd leaves or fruit in water increases immunity, and cures any kind of infection.


11. In case of vomiting, diarrhea, or cholera, adding black salt to Bitter gourd juice gives immediate relief. Even if you have hydrocephalus, it is beneficial to take two teaspoons of Bitter gourd juice in water.

12. Even if you suffer from paralysis, eating this car is a very effective remedy. In it, raw caramel is beneficial for the patient.


13. Bitter gourds are also like nectar for cleansing the blood. It is also considered effective for diabetics. If you have diabetes, drinking a quarter cup of Bitter gourd juice, the same amount of carrot juice is beneficial for the body.

14. Patients with diabetes should finely chop the dried Bitter gourd seeds, dry them in the sun and grind them finely.

Morning, evening 5-5 grams (half

Spoon) should be taken regularly. This keeps the sugar under control.

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

15. In case of hemorrhoids, 1 teaspoon of Bitter gourd juice mixed with half a teaspoon of sugar gives relief in hemorrhoids.

16. Take 3 teaspoons of Bitter gourd leaf juice in a glass of tea every afternoon for a month to reduce the hemorrhoids. Along with this, if the roots of Bitter gourd are washed clean and applied on the shoots, the shoots of piles disappear.

17. In case of arthritis or inflammation of limbs, rubbing Bitter gourd juice is beneficial.


18. Both boiled water and Bitter gourd juice are beneficial for kidney problems. Its consumption activates the kidneys and removes harmful substances from the body.


19. Bitter gourd is a panacea for heart ailments. This prevents harmful fats from accumulating in the blood vessels of the heart. This regulates the blood supply and prevents heart attack.


20. Applying Bitter gourd juice on the face along with lemon juice cures pimples and does not cause skin diseases.


21. It is beneficial to consume Bitter gourd juice to fight cancer

22. For skin ailments like scabies, itching, nausea, scars, add a teaspoon of cilantro juice and drink it slowly on an empty stomach. Regular consumption of this juice reduces blood impurities and purifies the blood and alternatively reduces skin disorders.

23. In case of worm-worms, give a cup of Bitter gourd leaf juice regularly for eight days. This causes all the worms to fall off the toilet.

24. Liver damage occurs in patients who drink alcohol. To make up for the loss and to quit alcoholism, take a cup of Bitter gourd leaf juice every morning and evening.

25. In cases of jaundice, drink fresh Bitter gourd juice morning and evening were away.

26. Bitter gourd juice is very useful in all liver disorders.

27. Boil Bitter gourd leaves in kalka, turmeric, sesame oil and apply this oil on the skin to get rid of old skin disorders and psoriasis.

28. In case of ovarian inflammation in women, take five grams each (half a teaspoon) of Bitter gourd seed, fenugreek, mulberry, purple seed in the morning and evening.

29. In case of urinary incontinence, drink 1 cup juice of Bitter gourd leaves with a pinch of asafoetida.

30. In case of chronic fever, crush Bitter gourd leaves and extract its juice and give this juice to drink in the morning and evening.

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

31. If you are suffering from night blindness and also if your eyes are weak, take 1-1 teaspoon of Bitter gourd juice or powder daily in the morning and evening.

32. Bitter gourd fruit is cool and nutritious and improves digestion when eaten.

33. Regular consumption of Bitter gourd or Bitter gourd juice helps in weight loss.

34. Cough, bile, arthritis, vitiligo, leprosy, constipation, diabetes etc. It is curative on disorders.

35. As it controls the blood sugar level, Bitter gourd leaf is an elixir in diabetes. Eating Bitter gourd leaves helps control sugar levels. This is because it has properties like visin and polypeptide pee. So blood sugar stays under control.

36. Bitter gourd has anti-microbial properties, so Bitter gourd is also good for many minor ailments caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. Bitter gourd leaves have anti-microbial properties, so they can cause skin and stomach ailments.

37. Bitter gourd leaves are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and B Complex to strengthen the immune system. This strengthens the immune system. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are good oxidants, while Vitamin B helps in maintaining good metabolism in the body.

38. Even in the treatment of HIV, the leaves of Bitter gourd have the properties of maintaining a healthy and fit immune system. So it helps to kill the HIV virus. This is because the HIV virus weakens or destroys the body's immune system. So it leads to the death of the person.

39. As a remedy for cancer, eating Bitter gourd leaves daily cures any type of cancer. Cancer cells are destroyed. The anti-cancer properties of Bitter gourd leaves stop the digestion of glucose in cancer-causing cells. This destroys the strength of these cells, thus destroying the chances of getting cancer.

40. Bitter gourd leaves can also protect against malaria. Helps to treat malaria. This is because bitter leafy vegetables are beneficial in preventing diseases like malaria. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, so it can reduce malaria fever.

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

41. Bitter gourdy's juice has the ability to cure lung disease.

42. If rose water is mixed with Bitter gourd leaf juice, ringworm heals quickly. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties. This increases the risk of ear infections.

43. Patients with diabetes should finely chop Kovalya Karla, dry it in the sun and grind it finely and take this powder 5 gm (half a teaspoon) regularly every morning and evening. This keeps the sugar under control.

44. For skin ailments like scabies, itching, nausea, scars, add a teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of caramel juice and drink it slowly on an empty stomach. Regular consumption of this juice reduces blood impurities and purifies the blood. Alternatively skin disorders are reduced.

45. In case of worm-worms, give a cup of Bitter gourd leaf juice regularly for eight days. This causes all the worms to fall off the toilet.

46. Bitter gourd contains vitamins A, B and C. Improves digestion Antioxidants in it speed up metabolism. As a result, calories are expended faster in the body and obesity leads to weight loss and weight loss. Burn fat on the chest and abdomen.

47. Caramel has anti-inflammatory properties that remove harmful substances from the skin. This eliminates the problem of puberty or pustules on the skin.

48. Consumption of Bitter gourd can overcome serious respiratory ailments like asthma and bronchitis.

49. So far, many researches have shown that Bitter gourd is effective in combating cancer. It helps the body to fight cancer cells.

50. Eating Bitter gourd in winter reduces cold, cough and phlegm.

51. If pint is coming in the throat, you must eat Bitter gourd vegetable.

52. Drink Bitter gourdya juice every morning and evening to get rid of excess bile in the body.

53. If there is a fire in the limbs, tie the leaves of Bitter gourdya in this place. The fire gradually decreases.

54. A teaspoon of Bitter gourdy juice taken in the morning and evening reduces the pain caused by excess air in the body

55. After delivery, if the baby is suffering from gas, stomach cramps, crying at night due to flatulence in the mother's milk, then the mother should be given Bitter gourdy's vegetable or a spoonful of juice daily.

56. Reduces all types of menstrual complaints like irregular menstruation, flow, etc. Take a spoonful of juice in the morning and evening.

57. Boiled Bitter gourd leaves are beneficial for those suffering from infections. This boosts the immune system.

58. Eating caramel reduces blemishes on the face and reduces the risk of skin infections.

59. Massage with Bitter gourd juice reduces the pain of arthritis.

60. Adding rock salt to caramel juice reduces the risk of pre-meal vomiting in people with acidosis.

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

61. Bitter gourd juice is a good remedy for knee pain.

62. Three seeds of Karala and three peppers are boiled together and given to a small baby to stop vomiting.

63. Combining lemon juice with Bitter gourd juice reduces obesity.

64. Drink 20 gms of Bitter gourd juice with honey to dissolve kidney stones.

65. Helps to cure constipation. If it is included in the diet, the food will be digested properly. It also makes the appetite feel good.

66. It is beneficial for people with asthma to eat unsalted Bitter gourd vegetables.

67. It is beneficial for paralyzed patients to eat raw Bitter gourd, it increases blood circulation and eat raw garlic leaves.

68. In case of vomiting or diarrhea, mix a little water in Bitter gourd juice, add black salt and consume.

69. Since Bitter gourd contains quinine, it is a medicine for malaria and now corona, so take two teaspoons in the morning and evening. It promotes blood purification, respiratory disorders, phlegm, immunity boost.

70. Hemorrhoid sprouts disappear if Bitter gourd roots are washed and applied.

71. If you take 3 teaspoons of Bitter gourd leaf juice in a glass every afternoon for a month, the problem of hemorrhoids will be reduced.

72. Bitter gourdy contains high amount of phosphorus which helps in reducing phlegm.

73. Bitter gourd leaves are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and B Complex to strengthen the immune system. This strengthens the immune system.

74. Eating Bitter gourd leaves daily for high blood pressure helps to keep blood pressure normal, it contains potassium and calcium. Therefore, blood pressure can be reduced by increasing the amount of both these factors.

75. It reduces the incidence of kidney failure.

When you don't get used to caramel, make it a habit to do it little by little. Also, pregnant women should not consume Bitter gourd vegetables or juice during this period.

Having studied the books and references for post writing, the solutions are sure. The purpose of the post is to make everyone aware of the medicinal uses

75 best health benefits and medicinal of Bitter gourd - heltechfact

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