
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone. 

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

These days we can't imagine our lives without smartphones, they have replaced so many devices in our lives that there doesn't seem to be a limit to this trend. When you accidentally leave one at home or forgotten to charge it seems like the whole world suddenly changes and becomes way less interesting and colorful. Now a days smartphones not only have numerous features of their own but, also allow you to download multiple apps for any possible situation and purpose.
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

You may not know this but your phone can do more than you think or even imagine we at ABOUT TOP TEN FACTS found seven amazing features and apps to help you overcome some everyday problems and make your life much easier. Did you know that you can easily control your phone without even touching it and no it's not some mind-control thing it's available for you right here and now and don't miss a cool bonus tip at the end of the article.

Number seven

Measure a distance.
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

You never know when you'll need to measure something and at times it is quite necessary and essential as it often happens all of a sudden you feel the urge to redecorate the house but you don't have a tape measure at hand or you want to measure an object's but it seems like an impossible task because of its size.
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Well now it's not a problem anymore just download the app called size up which will let you measure anything you need quickly and easily. This app will help you deal with any challenge in the blink of an eye. It's that simple the app also allows you to save your measurements and use either metric or imperial units to your preference.

Number six

Test your remote control batteries
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Surprisingly enough yes that's another thing your phone can easily do this little feature will help you out when your remote control is not working right and you're not sure whether it has to do with the batteries or not so if you don't want to rush to the supermarket to check if your remote control batteries diet just pull out. Your smartphone and start the camera app then take the remote control point it at the camera and press any button if you see a red light coming from the tip of the remote. When you look at it through your phone's display it means the infra red signal is working properly and batteries Some digital cameras can also see this signal which can be helpful to.

Number 5

Control your phone without touching it.

If you're looking for some cool and interesting ways to control your phone you should try a gesture control app which is called leave control.
It's available for both Android and iOS devices. In some situations it can be irreplaceable and you will probably agree with us after you try it out while using this app you can launch music and video players or etc. are called a wave of your hand without worrying about getting dirt all over your screen. While clinking you're cleaning keeping your display nice and neat has never been so easy it will help you use your phone in a full other way and explore it on a different level that you may enjoy a lot more. Just give it a shot and you won't regret it.

Number four

Drives safely
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Now a day’s people spend a lot of time at the wheel and your phone can make this daily experience way more comfortable. If you're driving in the dark and want to keep your eyes constantly on the road you can download a certain app called HUD Way. Which will come in handy this app helps you drive more safely especially when it's raining or snowing outside. It also clears the vision when there's fob plus it's very easy to use. Just put your phone on the dashboard adjust the brightness settings and you will get all the information. You need driving speed hit a GPS enabled map on your wind shield. Make sure your phone screen is bright enough for you to see the projection clearly you can download it either from the App Store or Google Play.

Number three

Send text from your PC
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Did your phone battery died when you least expected it and you need to get in touch with your friend or co-worker then the app called mighty text. You won't miss a thing it syncs your phone and computer or tablet and gives you the opportunity to manage SMS and MMS from your email. All messages link to your phone number will appear on your computer screen. And you can also find them in your phone's text inbox so nothing will get lost this app also allows you to store your photos to your computer with just a couple of clicks for those of you who pay close attention to the visual details. There's also 17 themes of the apps design you can choose from perfect for any unexpected situations.

Number 2

Make better decisions we've all been.

Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

There you've been looking for at least an hour for the perfect restaurant for a first date but you still can't decide between this Chinese place and that Italian restaurant. You see a beautiful blouse in the shop you can't decide what color to get no more hesitation to save your time and make the decision-making process a little bit easier name your options set characteristics and let this app called decision crafting suggest the best choice instantly. The app makes the final decision after considering all the pros and cons of each choice and comparing them to one another based on different criteria this kind of thing is always good for the times of doubt even if you don't like. The final choice you always realize what results you hoped for in the back of your mind and usually that instinct is right unfortunately this app is not available in the App Store but there you can find a similar thing called choice map which will help you just as much.

Number one

Keep yourself safe
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone
Seven brilliant things you can do with your smartphone

Self security is one of the top priorities for any person no matter the age or gender and your phone can also make you feel secure. If you often come home late in the evening and feel unsafe on the streets there's an app called be safe. Which may help to calm your nerves and deal with any potential danger it will not only send an SOS message to your emergency contacts but will also record video and audio track your GPS location and set a timer that will automatically send an alarm to friends. If you don't turn it off in time these options will allow your friends and family to quickly react in any dangerous situations and come to your rescue. They'll know exactly where you are what is happening and how they can help it can even save you from a bad date or any other unpleasant situation with a fake call option. This app should be one of the essentials on any phone so that you'll feel safe and sound.

And now it's time for our bonus. It doesn't matter if you need to share a video from your phone on an important business meeting or show vacation photos to your grandma.
Screen mirroring apps will certainly save the day. Every app provides a certain set of features and settings just install the app which is appropriate for you and play video music they present photos right from your smartphone you can even broadcast your favorite games in real time. No USB cable is needed just explore all the possible options and have fun check out the app for an iOS device called a power mirror and try out the screen stream. Mirroring one for your Android which one of these features did you like the most which nonexistent phones feature - you wish creators would add in the future tell us your opinions and leave your ideas in the comments section below and if you want to see more articles then just explore the site.

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